
标题: 2019.08.11乔-费尔利是一位女商人和作家 [打印本页]

作者: shiyi18    时间: 2022-2-16 06:54
标题: 2019.08.11乔-费尔利是一位女商人和作家
Jo Fairley is a businesswoman and writer. She co-founded the Green & Black’s chocolate company with Craig Sams, her husband, and has launched several other successful ventures since then.

Jo did not enjoy school, left at 16 with six O-levels and learned shorthand and typing at a secretarial college. She got a job with a magazine publisher and worked her way up through the features department to become the UK’s youngest magazine editor at the age of 23.

Her move into chocolate came when she happened to try a couple of squares of a sample sitting on the desk of her future husband, Craig Sams, a health foods entrepreneur. Jo decided that it was the best she had ever tasted. She bought two tonnes of chocolate for £20,000, using all of the proceeds from the flat she had just sold. She and Craig launched Green & Black’s in 1991 and sold the company to Cadbury’s in 2005.

BOOK CHOICE: Edible: An Illustrated Guide to the World's Food Plants by National Geographic
LUXURY ITEM: Her own pillow
CASTAWAY'S FAVOURITE: I Wanna Be Like You by Louis Prima

乔-费尔利是一位女商人和作家。她与丈夫克雷格-萨姆斯(Craig Sams)共同创办了绿与黑巧克力公司,此后还创办了其他几家成功的企业。


当她偶然尝到她未来的丈夫、健康食品企业家克雷格-萨姆斯(Craig Sams)桌上的几块样品时,她开始进入巧克力行业。乔决定这是她所品尝过的最好的巧克力。她用刚卖掉的公寓的所有收益,以2万英镑买下了两吨巧克力。她和克雷格在1991年推出了绿与黑巧克力,并在2005年将公司卖给了吉百利公司。


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