
标题: 2019.05.12路易斯-塞鲁是一位电视纪录片制作人 [打印本页]

作者: shiyi18    时间: 2022-2-19 06:55
标题: 2019.05.12路易斯-塞鲁是一位电视纪录片制作人
Louis Theroux is a television documentary maker. He has received two BAFTAs and a Royal Television Society Award for his work which includes the series Louis Theroux’s Weird Weekends and When Louis Met…

Born in 1970, and brought up in south London, he is the son of the American writer Paul Theroux and the BBC World Service radio producer Anne Castle. He was privately educated at Westminster School and read History at Oxford, graduating with a first. He moved to the USA where he was introduced to the American documentary maker Michael Moore and started making segments on unusual subcultures for Moore’s show TV Nation. He was given his own series – Louis Theroux’s Weird Weekends – by the BBC in the late 1990s and, after three series, he went on to present two series of When Louis Met…, which included Neil and Christine Hamilton, Max Clifford, Chris Eubank and Jimmy Savile.

Since then, he has made dozens of documentaries, many of them in the USA. In 2016, he revisited his encounters with Jimmy Savile in the wake of Savile’s death and the surfacing of allegations of child sexual abuse. The same year, his only feature-length film, My Scientology Movie, was released. His most recent documentaries dealt with sexual assault on American campuses, mothers with post-natal mental illness, and escorting.

BOOK CHOICE: Remembrance of things Past – Marcel Proust
LUXURY: 40,000 piece Jigsaw puzzle
CASTAWAY'S FAVOURITE: “Heaven on their Minds” from the album Jesus Christ Superstar


他出生于1970年,在伦敦南部长大,是美国作家保罗-特鲁和BBC世界服务广播制作人安妮-卡塞尔的儿子。他在威斯敏斯特学校接受私人教育,并在牛津大学读历史,以第一名的成绩毕业。他搬到了美国,在那里他被介绍给美国纪录片制作人迈克尔-摩尔,并开始为摩尔的节目《TV Nation》制作关于不寻常的亚文化的片段。20世纪90年代末,BBC给了他自己的系列节目--《路易-塞鲁的古怪周末》,在三个系列节目之后,他又继续主持了两个系列的《当路易遇到......》,其中包括尼尔和克里斯汀-汉密尔顿、马克斯-克利福德、克里斯-尤班克和吉米-萨维尔。


卡斯塔维的最爱:"Heaven on their Minds",来自专辑《耶稣基督超级巨星》。

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