
标题: 特里莎-N-普拉布 哈佛大学 [打印本页]

作者: shiyi18    时间: 2022-3-15 14:16
标题: 特里莎-N-普拉布 哈佛大学
特里莎-N-普拉布(Trisha N. Prabhu),来自内珀维尔,是哈佛大学的高年级学生,主修政府学专业。特里莎是ReThink公司的创始人和首席执行官ReThink公司是一个主动检测攻击性数字内容并给用户一个重新考虑发布的机会的应用程序。她是多项美国专利的持有人。作为美国卫生与公众服务部的公民数字研究员,特里莎帮助领导KidneyX加速器,激励创新者和企业,以创造肾脏护理技术解决方案。在牛津大学,她计划攻读互联网社会科学硕士和公共政策硕士。

Trisha N. Prabhu, Naperville, is a senior at Harvard College, where she majors in Government. Trisha is the founder and CEO of ReThink, Inc., an app that proactively detects offensive digital content and gives users a chance to reconsider posting it. She is the holder of several United States patents. As a Civic Digital Fellow at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Trisha helped lead the KidneyX Accelerator, which incentivized innovators and businesses to create kidney care technology solutions. At Oxford, she plans to pursue an MSc in Social Science of the Internet and a Masters of Public Policy.

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