
标题: 塔霍纳-赫拉特施瓦科 南部非洲 [打印本页]

作者: shiyi18    时间: 2022-3-16 22:08
标题: 塔霍纳-赫拉特施瓦科 南部非洲
Takhona Hlatshwako
Election Year: 2022

Election Constituency: Southern Africa

Scholar Status: Scholar Elect

Rhodes Identifier: eSwatini 2022

Takhona Hlatshwako
Takhona Grace Hlatshwako is a Morehead-Cain Scholar pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Public Health at UNC Chapel Hill. At her university, she is the co-chair of the Minority Health Conference, the longest-running student-led health conference in the U.S. She is passionate about advancing health equity locally and globally. In her home country, Takhona worked on a USAID-funded project aimed at improving HIV messaging. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, she joined a global team investigating the impact of isolation measures on sexual and reproductive health. In the U.S., Takhona interned at the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy, where she researched low-value care. Her work inspired her honors thesis on decision modelling and cost-effectiveness analysis. At Oxford, Takhona hopes to continue researching methods for advancing health equity.

选举年份: 2022年



罗德识别码: eSwatini 2022

Takhona Grace Hlatshwako是莫海德-凯恩奖学金获得者,在联合国大学教堂山分校攻读公共卫生学学士学位。在她的大学里,她是少数族裔健康会议的联合主席,这是美国历史最悠久的由学生主导的健康会议,她热衷于在当地和全球范围内促进健康公平。在她的祖国,塔霍纳参与了一个由美国国际开发署资助的项目,旨在改善艾滋病信息传递。在COVID-19大流行之后,她加入了一个全球团队,调查隔离措施对性和生殖健康的影响。在美国,Takhona在杜克大学马戈利斯卫生政策中心实习,研究低价值护理。她的工作启发了她关于决策模型和成本效益分析的荣誉论文。在牛津大学,Takhona希望继续研究推进健康公平的方法。

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