
标题: 2014.12.07 导游协会的首席执行官朱莉-本特利- [打印本页]

作者: shiyi18    时间: 2022-3-30 23:13
标题: 2014.12.07 导游协会的首席执行官朱莉-本特利-

Kirsty Young's castaway this week is the Chief Executive of the Guide Association, Julie Bentley - or, more accurately, Girlguiding.

The name change is surely a clue to the evolving nature of an organisation determined to be relevant and useful to girls in the 21st century. Indeed being relevant and useful is how Julie Bentley has spent her entire working life. From her early efforts at an HIV charity to running the Family Planning Association she says her passion lies with helping young people develop confidence and direction.

Never a Brownie or Girl Guide herself, she was brought up in what she describes as "a happy working class family in Essex" and it took her a little while to find her own self assurance and sense of purpose. A painfully shy child, who was bullied at primary school, she later went on to become Head Girl, but left school with very few qualifications. In her 30s she used a bequest from her mother to fund her Master's degree.

She says of the Girl Guides, "It is not about itchy brown uniforms and sewing and baking. It is a modern, contemporary, vibrant organisation."



她自己从未参加过布朗尼女童军,她是在她所描述的 "埃塞克斯的一个快乐的工人阶级家庭 "中长大的,她花了一点时间来找到自己的自信和目标感。她是一个痛苦的害羞的孩子,在小学时被欺负,后来成为女校长,但离开学校时没有什么资格。30多岁时,她用母亲的遗赠资助了她的硕士学位。


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