
标题: Paul Amayo 肯尼亚 [打印本页]

作者: shiyi18    时间: 2022-4-5 03:47
标题: Paul Amayo 肯尼亚
Paul Amayo
Election Year: 2014

Election Constituency: Kenya

Scholar Status: Scholar Alum

Rhodes Identifier: Kenya & Linacre 2014

Paul Amayo
Paul is in the final year of his BSc (Eng) in Mechatronics at UCT, and has been chosen recently as one of the Mandela Rhodes Scholars 2014. Paul believes that fully autonomous systems hold the key to solving some of Africa's most pressing problems - for example, the removal of the water hyacinth in Lake Victoria which has destroyed the livelihoods of local fisherman. Paul won the Engineering and built environment Faculty Scholarship in 2012. He tutors and mentors students in the Electrical Engineering Department at UCT and, during his vacations, Paul has undertaken research in the Control Laboratory at UCT and within the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Nairobi. He is a member of Engineers without Borders, bringing technology to less privileged areas and, for relaxation, Paul is a keen rugby player. Paul hopes to continue his studies in the field of robotics. Longer-term, through a combination of business venture and academia, his goal is to establish the first robotics research laboratory in Kenya.

Paul Amayo
选举年份: 2014




保罗正在UCT攻读机电一体化学士学位的最后一年,最近被选为2014年曼德拉罗兹学者之一。保罗认为,完全自主的系统是解决非洲一些最紧迫问题的关键--例如,清除维多利亚湖中破坏当地渔民生计的水葫芦。保罗在2012年赢得了工程和建筑环境学院奖学金。他在UCT的电气工程系辅导学生,在休假期间,保罗在UCT的控制实验室和内罗毕大学的电气工程系内进行研究。他是 "无国界工程师 "组织的成员,将技术带到贫困地区,为了放松,保罗热衷于橄榄球运动。保罗希望继续他在机器人领域的研究。长期而言,通过商业风险和学术的结合,他的目标是在肯尼亚建立第一个机器人研究实验室。

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