
标题: 2014年--物是人非的声音 西班牙语 [打印本页]

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标题: 2014年--物是人非的声音 西班牙语
2014 – The Sound of Things Falling
Author: Juan Gabriel Vásquez
Translated from the original Spanish by Anne McLean
2014 Winner – Watch Juan Gabriel Vásquez’s Acceptance Speech
2014 Shortlist     2014 Longlist     Judging Panel   Libraries
Judges’ Citation
The Sound of Things Falling is a consummate literary thriller that resonates long after the final page. Through a masterly command of layered time periods, spiralling mysteries and a noir palette, it reveals how intimate lives are overshadowed by history; how the past preys on the present; and how the fate of individuals as well as countries is moulded by distant, or covert, events.

The main setting in a drizzly and overcast Andean capital, Bogotá, evokes a darkly atmospheric Colombian landscape far from the sultry Caribbean coast made familiar through the fiction of Gabriel García Márquez. The narrator, Antonio Yammara, is a law lecturer tipped into a parallel underworld through a drive-by motorbike shooting that injures him and kills his billiard-hall acquaintance, the shadowy pilot Ricardo Laverde – who is just out after serving almost 20 years in jail. Through the lecturer’s compulsive investigation of the pilot’s criminal past, the novel deftly sketches the history of the drug trade in one South American country. Through vivid secondary characters, such as a sinister Chicago drop-out and US Peace Corps volunteer, it traces the tutelary, and often forgotten, role played in the incipient trade by a generation of North American adventurers in the 1960s and 70s – some of them Vietnam veterans.

Yet it is in the novel’s most intimate relationships that the human costs of this illegal trade are felt. The portrait of Yammara’s foundering marriage to the young Aura is painfully frank, rendered in language that is deliberately muted as he succumbs to post-traumatic stress. The desolate bond he forms with the pilot’s disturbed and reclusive daughter Maya, which is built on shared trauma, evokes an entire generation psychologically scarred by the terrorist bombings and targeted killings of the 1980s and early 1990s, when the drug cartels declared open war on the government.

Through superb use of metaphor, the novel evokes a world of precarious flight and desperate, last-ditch ambition, in which everything is falling; nothing is secure. Airliners drop out of the sky, marriages crash and burn, daredevil pilots make lethal miscalculations, and family men make flawed choices. Almost anything can be corrupted by the glittering promise of unimaginable wealth, and fate or fluke is the name we give to events beyond our control that lay waste to our soaring dreams. Juan Gabriel Vásquez’s tragic vision is marvellously served by Anne McLean’s supple and idiomatic translation.

About the Book
No sooner does he get to know Ricardo Laverde in a seedy billiard hall in Bogotá than Antonio Yammara realises that the ex-pilot has a secret. Antonio’s fascination with his new friend’s life grows until the day Ricardo receives a mysterious, unmarked cassette. Shortly afterwards, he is shot dead on a street corner. Yammara’s investigation into what happened leads back to the early 1960s, marijuana smuggling and a time before the cocaine trade trapped Colombia in a living nightmare.

(From Publisher)

About the Author
Juan Gabriel Vásquez was born in Bogotá in 1973. He studied Latin American literature at the Sorbonne between 1996 and 1998, and has translated works by E. M. Forster and Victor Hugo, among others, into Spanish. He was nominated as one of the Bogotá 39, South America’s most promising writers of the new generation. His previous books include The Informers, which was shortlisted for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize, and The Secret History of Costaguana, which won the Qwerty prize in Barcelona. His books have been published in fifteen languages worldwide. After sixteen years in France, Belgium and Spain, he now lives in Bogotá.

Librarian’s Comments
Vásquez was a finalist for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize in the UK with The Sound of Things Falling. His work has been translated into English, French and Polish. He won the Qwerty Prize for best book of fiction in the Spanish language and the Foundation Books & Letters Award for best book of fiction. He also received the 2011 Alfaguara Award and the Roger Caillois prize in 2012.

Juan Gabriel Vásquez


Nominating Library       
Biblioteca Daniel Cosío Villegas El Colegio de México

Bloomsbury Publishing, UK

Translated from the Spanish by Anne McLean

Categories: 2014, 2014, 2014 Shortlist, 2014 Translated, Previous Winners

2014年获奖者 - 观看胡安-加布里埃尔-巴斯克斯的获奖感言
2014年入围名单 2014年长名单 评审团图书馆

本书的主要背景是阴雨绵绵的安第斯山脉首府波哥大,它唤起了哥伦比亚的黑暗气氛,与人们通过加布里埃尔-加西亚-马尔克斯的小说所熟悉的加勒比海岸的闷热景观相去甚远。叙述者安东尼奥-亚马拉(Antonio Yammara)是一名法律讲师,他因一次摩托车枪击事件而被卷入一个平行的黑社会,枪击事件使他受伤,并杀死了他在台球厅的熟人--阴暗的飞行员里卡多-拉弗德(Ricardo Laverde)--他在监狱服刑近20年后刚刚出狱。通过讲师对飞行员犯罪历史的强迫性调查,小说巧妙地勾勒出一个南美国家的毒品交易历史。通过生动的次要人物,如一个阴险的芝加哥辍学者和美国和平队志愿者,小说追溯了20世纪60年代和70年代的一代北美冒险家--其中一些是越战老兵--在初创的贸易中所扮演的监护人,而且往往被遗忘。









丹尼尔-科西奥-维勒加斯图书馆 墨西哥大学图书馆


由Anne McLean从西班牙语翻译而来

分类: 2014年, 2014年, 2014年入围名单, 2014年翻译, 往届获奖者

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